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Toomey Natural Foods
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914 Lila Ave., Milford, OH 45150
Tues-Fri: 9:30-6, Sat: 9:30-5
Closed Sunday and Monday
(513) 831-4771
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Mad About Magnesium!
Why your magnesium supplement isn't measuring up.
Recipe for Gout? Cherries and Water
Gout is an incredibly painful chronic disease. I have had patients with a gout attack whose toes are so painful they cannot sleep with a sheet touching their feet.
Foods to Combat Constipation
Dietary causes may be the reason for how common it is in the United States.
Understanding IBS
Explore ways to avoid triggering flare-ups of this gut disorder.
Diabetes and You
Understand how glucose and insulin work in the body, to mitigate symptoms of diabetes.
Health Tips for Men in their 30s, 40s, 50s & Beyond
It’s easy to improve men’s health with simple lifestyle changes
Nutrients to Speed Weight Loss
Drop pounds naturally with help from 5-HTP and green tea.
Protein Builds Power with Powder
Supplementing with protein powder can help manage weight and more.
Keep Your Heart Healthy
Exercise, omega 3s, and supplements can help!
Heat Things Up!
Trying to to warm things up in the bedroom? Consider natural and safe herbal supplements.
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