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Toomey Natural Foods
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914 Lila Ave., Milford, OH 45150
Tues-Fri: 9:30-6, Sat: 9:30-5
Closed Sunday and Monday
(513) 831-4771
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Boost Your Mood
Pharmaceutical drugs marketed for anxiety have numerous side effects. But botanicals and nutrients exist that can stimulate neurotransmitter synthesis and adjust brain chemisty naturally, effectively...
Moisturize Dry Skin Naturally
We get so bombarded with advertising--especially when it comes to beauty products--that it's challenging to decipher which ingredients our skin really needs to look and stay healthy. The following...
Beat Inflammation
Inflammation is our body's way of sending help to heal wounds, prevent infection, and fend off germs. Without all that heat, redness, and swelling surrounding the area needing immediate attention, we...
Nutraceuticals for Beauty
Your skin is a mirror, reflecting back the quality of the foods you eat as well as your stress level, lifestyle, sleep habits, and sun exposure. While nothing should replace a healthy diet high in...
Omega Power - Benefits of Essential Fats
Numerous studies point to the many benefits of these fats, which are known as essential fatty acids (EFAs). Even if you have the typical dieter's fear of fat, it's important to consume omega-rich...
Are You Deficient in Magnesium?
Symptoms can include: loss of appetite nausea fatigue weakness numbness tingling cramps abnormal heart rhythms Most Americans consume less of this mineral than the recommended daily intake, with...
Prep for Sandal Season
I'm typing this with greasy fingers from the oil I've slathered onto my cracked heels. The fissures are an ugly sign left over from winter and intermittent care on my part. I discovered I'd been...
Protect Against Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression that rears its head in late fall and usually improves in spring when longer days return. Symptoms include fatigue, the desire to sleep, and...
Protect Summer Hair
Summer can be hard on hair," says Rosemary Gladstar, herbalist and author. "We're outside more in summer, so our hair is exposed to more air pollutants. And if you're someone who spends a lot of time...
5 Top Botanicals for Wintertime Tea
For some of us, once the temps drop a few degrees we turn to herbal teas to sip throughout the day. Others of us may need a nudge to imbibe these health-promoting, warming beverages. Here are five...
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